I'm an active contributer to various open source projects like mono or radare2. Also, I have my own projects which are listed here.
- CycleChallenge
An online ranking system aimed to practice ARM assembler programming. Students submit Programs that solve given problems; and it gets counted how many cycles they've used - the less, the better. - Pokefans (german only)
A german pokemon community, currently in process of a complete rewrite. Check out our GitHub - findmagic: finding library subroutines in stripped statically linked binaries
Findmagic is an algorithm designed to recover symbols in statically linked binaries using an attributed graph matching technique. It is designed to be easily adoptable to any given architecture or ABI.
Paper, Slides, GitHub - Studentpoll
A simple and minimalistic tool to ask interactive feedback questions in lectures, courses or whatever. Built with php & JS frontend and SignalR backend.
GitHub - Akkurace
Back in 2014 I was - along with my Teammates Max and Otis, kudos to them - part of the Conrad Akkurace. The Akkurace is a racing competition where drivers compete with self-built vehicles powered by up to two 18V electric drills.